privacy policy :
We are Social service flirting website. In this flirting website, the users can upload their's photos, videos, email address, blog posts, mobile number, other social links, experience and feelings. The users may want to keep their's contents just for this website. The user may opload their's real naked photos and videos, these contents are too much sensitive for all general people, so that we want to promise secure keeping their's all things. We do not share anybody's contents to other users and other party. We do not sell user's related Informations/things in any cost. Any user is not allowed to share other's user's profile Data to other third person or other social network. Please feel free to use our flirting website about privacy policy.
But please note that : "If the anyone user did the biggest crimes through this flirting website, we have immediately to help the police to invastigate and catch him/her. For example, if the any male user called a female user for sexual activities to his room or location and he unfortunately killed the female user (prostitute), in this type of case we will must inform the police with the user's all datas e.g text mesaage, photos, chat history, user's location, user's ip address and mobile internet career."
So that please use our social network service for a best intertaintment and happy not a any type of crimes."
Thanks for reading, understanding and agreeying our privacy policy.